“I have been working with Jordan over the past three years and my tennis game has improved significantly because of him. He takes the time to explain the benefits and use of each stroke while teaching the mechanics. Specifically the top spin ground stroke which I struggled with now drops in at the opponents feet or spins off the court. He engages and works with me in a focused way that I value and appreciate. Your tennis will go to the next level with Jordan!”

- Marian Joh

“Jordan has all the qualities one would hope for in a great coach: he is clearly a student of the game as well as the art of coaching. Not only does he have an eye for technique that I find remarkable, but the ability to communicate those subtle changes in my game that have made a tremendous difference. As we’ve drilled and played, I have become a better player than I’ve ever been and have not injured myself.”

- Joe Pellicer

“Jordan has been instrumental in improving my tennis game. He has a wonderful way of explaining technique that has transformed my mechanics. My slice was nonexistent prior to Jordan! Additionally, he teaches how to analyze and self correct for shots during play. It has changed the way I think about my entire game. Jordan helped me increase my rating and feel so much more confident on the court. He is so positive and fun that my lesson is truly a favorite part of my week.”

- Cora Stoakley

“Thoroughly enjoyable camp with positive and highly skilled coaches Jordan Coons, Todd Jordan and co. Fast paced drills, strategies and shot selection it was fantastic to then use what you'd been practicing in their games. I wish there were more to sign up for!” Loved every minute, thank you!

- Heidi H.

“My wife and I got to start three mornings in a row learning tennis shots and strategies from Jordan and Todd. Their camp was insightful and lots of fun. I particularly enjoyed the 'strategy of the day' where they would teach us how to play out a particular shot. It was really cool because it was all about setting up your partner. Super useful stuff, thanks so much guys!”

- Ross Bunker

“If you get the chance to take a camp with Jordan and Todd, don't think twice! They are wonderful coaches, with great drills, strategies, personal insight, and such positive attitudes. I have gained many golden nuggets from both of them, and always walk away feeling excited to play my next match. Thanks for setting up these great camps!”

- Annie Wickham

“Love Love Love. Jordan and Todd's summer tennis camp was a wonderful way to meet new tennis buddies and practice important tennis shots like the swinging volley, volley lob, the dipper, etc. and then use those shots in drills during the three hour camp. Highly recommended. We'll be back for next year's camp!”

- Brooke Gilbert

“I really enjoyed the recent Seattle camp. Jordan Coons and Todd Jordan showed us several different shot techniques and when/how to employ them as a doubles strategy. I will definitely use all that I learned and feel that my skills improved. Plus the camp was fast paced and a ton of fun. I would definitely sign up for another one!”

- Sevil Toksu

“I attended the clinic by Jordan and Todd and I learned a lot on technique and double strategy. I look forward to attending their clinics in the future. Thanks Jordan and Todd.”

- Jeff Au-Yeung

“This camp was a complete blast - both Jordan Coons and Todd Jordan are incredible coaches. Great drills on strategy I need to lock in my brain and know how to execute. Loved it and can't wait to go back - I will definitely be a return camper, along with a bunch of my USTA teammates!”

- Janice Merlino

“Jordan and Todd had a great clinic in Seattle this summer where they focused on shot and technique and in which scenario to use those shots. It it always great to be on court with them because you are guaranteed to walk away a better player!”

- Hardik Vegan